Invitation to Edit
Once you have decided to publish your content in your own branded App using Zinio Pro, you will recieve an invitation to define your App in a browser window. Open this url and fill out the necessary information to customize your App.
This information will facilitate the launch of your Branded Apps and help the Zinio Publisher Services begin the process of getting your Apps ready for you to test. If you hover over each field a brief explanation is included. If you have any questions about this form, contact Zinio Publisher Services
Contact Information
Account Contact: This is the person the stores will contact if there is a problem with the App during the App review process.
Finance Contact: This is the person in charge of the purchases made within your App.
Production Contact: This is the person in charge of the content (issue) production within your App.
CMS Configuration
Publication Name: Name of your App as it will appear in each store.
Publication Website: A link to your publications website that cannot have a link to subscriptions you sell.
Time Zone: The time zone that the pubisher exists (For support).
CMS Interface Language: The display language of your Zinio Pro Publishing Platform.
Publication Language: The language that your App is in.
App Customization
This section provides you with a graphical user interface so that you can preview what these elements will look like in your App as you add them.
In-app Interface Language: The language of your App.
App Icon: Icon of your App as it apears on devices. The image submitted should be square, the rounding effect is done by Apple later. 152 x 152 pixels (minimum). If other values used, they must be square, e.g. 300 x 300 pixels. Supported file types: JPEG, PNG.
Splash Screen Logo: Your logo will be located on the splashscreen visible when the app opens. Supported file type: PNG, 24-bit alpha on transparent background.
Splash Screen Background: The splash screen background colour is the background of the splash screen when the app opens. Your publication logo will sit on top of this background.
To prevent errors and the wrong color being applied to the application the color selected should be entered as a HEX code. For more information about the HEX codes please visit
App Primary Color: The primary color is the color of the fields and buttons in the app storefront.
Select iOS Channels: Mobile, tablet, or both.
Select Google Channels: Mobile, tablet, or both.
Select Samsung Channels: Mobile, tablet, or both.
Select Kindle Channels: Mobile, tablet, or both.
Select Windows 8 Channels: Mobile, tablet, or both.
iOS and Android Channel Notes: Here you are selecting which channels the magazine should be available through as well as which device types of each.
iOS App Type: All applications should be selected as stand alone.
Reading Mode for Mobile Devices: PDF Replica, Responsive View, or both.
Reading Mode for Tablet Devices: PDF Replica, Responsive View, or both.
PDF Only: This is a standard PDF page turner. The text view is not available for customers to read, but search and the TOC is available.
Text Only: The text view for mobile allows text and images to reflow to the size of the mobile screen it is being read on.
PDF & Text Mode: This is the standard PDF page turner enhanced with a text view that the user can switch on or off. The text view means the content reflows to the size and orientation of the screen.
RSS Feed: Your RSS feed.
Mobile Storefront Banner: The image submitted will be your banner images for your app storefront. 1080 x 422 pixels (minimum). Supported file types: JPEG, PNG.
Tablet Storefront Banner: The image submitted will be your banner images for your app storefront. 2098 x 560 pixels (minimum). Supported file types: JPEG, PNG.
App Submission
Free Trial Subscription Option: Enables the free trial subscription.
Price Currency: Default currency within your App.
Contact Email: Publisher and Advertising contact emails.
Subscription Prices: Prices for your subscriptions through each channel.
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