Issue Release Date
Before publishing, you will need to define the Issue Name, Display Date, Issue Desription, and the Go Live Publish Date for both Mobile and Tablet.
Issue Name: The name of the issue as it will appear under the cover thumbnail in the App.
Display Date: This controls the order of the issues as to how they appear in the App. This can be a future date beyond the publish date.
Issue Desription: Each issue can have it's own description. If you leave it blank, it will automatically populate with the default issue description.
Go Live Publish Date: This is the actual date you want the issue to appear within your App.
Issue Settings
If you wish to allow you issue to automatically publish at the Go Live Publish Date, you must enable this in your settings. Navigate to Settings > Issue Settings and enable auto-publish.
Pre-Publish Checklist
When you are ready to publish your issue, you can choose the Pre-Publish Check button.
Note: Remember that you publish your Mobile and Tablet versions separately.
Publishing an Issue
As long as none of your stories are in draft, you can publish your issue.
If you still have stories that are in Draft, you will need to go back into those stories and Send them for Publishing.
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